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   WHO AM I   

Hi! I am Amy Tournas, a junior at Colby College, originally from Westborough, Massachusetts. I went to the Fay School and then to Brooks School.


 I am a global studies and government major with a creative writing minor, so this blog will have a lot of different content in it, from Vietnam war posts, to creative writing pieces, but mostly I will stick to my stories about my trip.


My passions that pertain to Vietnam are specifically the War and the culture behind it, so I am in Vietnam to learn about the other perspectives of the horrific war that happened in the '60s. But my interests don't end there, as I am also very interested in learning about the education systems in Vietnam and the development of both the entire country and the main cities of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. My learning here has no boundaries; we are exploring all facets of life during the semester. 


I will be starting my journey in Ho Chi Minh City and from there I will be in a homestay and then traveling throughout the country, exploring the land, the people, and the culture. 


Follow me on my journey through one of the most incredible countries the world has to offer! If you have any questions or comments, feel free to reach out!




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